Turkish Bagel (Simit) – All You Need to Know

Simit is a Turkish-style bagel made from a dough of wheat flour, water, malt, sugar, and sesame seeds. It has a round shape and is covered with sesame seeds.


Pastry is very popular and traditional in Turkey. It is often eaten as a breakfast or snack. It originated in the Ottoman Empire region and is widely consumed in Turkey and other countries with a Turkish population. Furthermore, it looks back to a long history and has been part of Turkish culture for centuries.


If you are curious to know more about the origins and different aspects of simit, then read on and discover the exciting story behind this Turkish cult pastry.


Simit (Turkish Bagel)


History of the Simit – When and Where was the Turkish Bagel first made?


The simit has roots in the Ottoman Empire region and has been produced in Turkey for centuries. There are different theories about when exactly the simit was invented. It is known that it was sold in Istanbul as early as the 16th century.


The name “simit” probably comes from Persian and means “wrapped” or “encircled,” referring to the round shape and the sesame seeds on the surface of the pastry.


Over the centuries, simit has not lost its popularity in Turkey and other countries with Turkish populations. Even today, you can buy this treat at street stalls and bakeries. Meanwhile, simit can be found not only in Turkey but also in many other countries around the world.


How to Prepare the Turkish Bagel Yourself


Making the simit is a simple process, but it requires time and patience. The dough is made from wheat flour, water, malt, sugar, and yeast and then shaped into round patties.


The dough pieces are then dipped in a solution of water and malt before being rolled into sesame seeds. The simit is then placed on a baking sheet and baked for a set amount of time until golden brown.


An essential step in making the simit is dipping the dough in the malt solution. This gives the simit its characteristic flavor and crispy texture. It is also crucial that you spread sesame seeds evenly on the surface of the simit so that it has an attractive appearance.


If you want to make a simit yourself, there are many different recipes on the internet that you can try. However, it is important to note that making the Turkish bagel takes some time. In particular, you should note that it is important to work carefully and accurately to achieve the best possible result.


Once you understand the process and have some practice, you will be able to make delicious and authentic simit at home. Why not try it yourself and enjoy the taste of Turkish bagel in your own home.


How to eat Simit


The Turkish bagel is a very versatile food and can be enjoyed in many different ways. One of the most popular ways to eat it is as a breakfast or snack. It is often spread with butter or cheese and then broken into small pieces to eat.


Another popular way to enjoy simit is as a sandwich. It is often filled with sausage, cheese, or egg and then cut in half. This type of sandwich is especially popular with people who are on the go and need a quick and easy meal.


Furthermore, simit is also an important part of the Turkish coffee table and is often served with Turkish tea (Çay) or coffee. It is often spread with honey or jam and then enjoyed with other sweets such as baklava.


There are also many different types of simit, which can vary by region and taste. Some regions prefer simit filled with cheese or chocolate, while others prefer it filled with sesame or pumpkin.


What are the variations of simit, and which regions are known for it?


There are many different types of simit, which can vary depending on the region and taste. Some regions prefer the Turkish bagel filled with cheese or chocolate, while other regions prefer it filled with sesame seeds or pumpkin.


  • Ankara Simiti, the most basic version; crunchy, a bit over done, and you can find it everywhere on the street!
  • A popular variation of the simit is the so-called “Cebe Simiti” from Istanbul, which is sprinkled with sesame seeds and poppy seeds.
  • In the region around Izmir, the simit is often filled with pumpkin and sesame seeds and is called “Kabakli Simit”.
  • Around Adana, a special variety of simit is produced called “Adana Simiti,” which is filled with pumpkin seeds and paprika.
  • A special variety of simit is “Kahvaltılık Simit” which is filled with cheese and butter and is famous in the region around Bursa.
  • Gaziantep region is famous for the “Gaziantep Simiti” which is filled with pistachios and sesame seeds.


There are many different types of simit, and each region has its own variant and name. So it is worth trying different types of simit during a trip through Turkey and discovering your personal favorite.




Simit is a popular and delicious specialty of Turkish cuisine. It has a long history and tradition in Turkey and is still made and eaten in many regions.


The production of this Turkish bagel requires a lot of time and care. There are many different types of simit, varying depending on the region; each has its variant and name.


If you want to know Turkish culture and cuisine, you should definitely try a simit. So don’t forget to enjoy one on your next trip to Turkey!